Exide Electronics Corp., Raleigh, NC
01/93 - 08/94
Logistics Support Engineering / Technical Engineering Writer
(U.S.A.F. / FAA Contract)
- Responsible for design change control of 28 National Aerospace System (NAS) - Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Critical Essential Power System (ACEPS) Spare Part Kits for 25 ACEPS construction sites across the country.
- Wrote ERR/ECR/ECNs to provide release and design change document control; set and coordinated field retrofit effectively for site Spare Part Kit ECN implementation.
- Provided technical support for U.S.A.F. / FAA, and all NAS supporting departments.
- Performed on-site spare part kit inspection prior to FAA Shakedown Inspection (CAI) to ensure Government compliance and acceptance.
- Ensured Nationwide 48 Hour Spare Parts Replenishment System functioned as designed.
- Developed new Spare Parts Kits to support unique construction sites and to meet customer contract requirements.
- Responsible for the design and development of over 650 pages of Illustrated Parts Data (IPD) for FAA ACEPS Interim Site O&M Technical Manual using FAA-STD-2494 as a functional baseline.
- Incorporated ECN changes, and FAA comments into IPDs.
- Performed IPD validation/verification for each FAA- ARTCC and TRACON site.
- Developed a functional NAS Bill of Material format utilized by NAS Product Support.

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National Aerospace System (NAS) - Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Critical Essential Power System (ACEPS) Support Services